To Tour or Not to Tour?

All gung-ho today, my first at the Banff Center, I signed up to go on a day-trip to the Columbia Icefield.

As we gave up the search for a beer, a British pianist I had had dinner with asked what the Icefield was.

“It’s a glacier,” I told him.

“Oh, well, that’s a day spent not being creative.” he replied.

I felt a little embarrassed. He was right. I am going to have to be very diligent about balancing enjoying being in this place of environmental splendour with actually getting down to work.  I came here to write, not to see a bunch of ice…Still, I haven’t decided whether or not to take part in the trip. I’ll play it by ear.

Cynthia and I are certainly not working hard enough! (But it's only the first night).

1 comment
  1. A fellow writer, Guadalupe told me that this pianist was my superego. And he won. I decided not to go to the ice-field.

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